Rahul Mohindar is director of Viratech Software and an active trader who appears as a panelist on CNBC India, Bloomberg, CNN IBN, and CNBC Awaaz. Besides being a market panelist, Mr. Mohindar has also been a guest lecturer across renowned stock exchanges, universities and business schools. Mr. Mohindar’s findings and research on the markets have been carried in leading business daily’s including the Economic Times and Hindu.
Mr. Mohindar is considered to be a rising star among trading professionals. He has trained thousands of practitioners across the world using MetaStock both on an end-of-day and real-time basis. Not only has he been a part of major Technical Analysis conferences and tradeshows globally, but he has also been involved in educating and equipping leading brokerage houses and financial institutions.
Besides the RMO ATM, Rahul has developed the Rahul Mohindar Oscillator (RMO for short) which detects trends in financial markets and is designed to work on Open-High-Low-Close charts for a wide variety of securities including stocks, commodities, and FOREX.