Peter Davies entered the world of trading in the mid 2000’s. After becoming disillusioned with the results attained by fund managers and financial advisors on his own portfolio, Peter figured that even losing money himself would be better than paying someone to lose it for him.
Peter’s initial intent was to focus on investing and in fact, he still manages his own long term portfolio. Somewhere along the journey he developed a passion for day trading. Peter feels most comfortable trading the “here and now” and feels that he has a better feel for what will happen in the next six minutes than the next six months.
Initially day trading news/earnings stocks with mixed success, Peter sought more information on the Order Flow aspect of trading and, though pleased with what he was taught, he was also somewhat horrified at the tools he would have to use. It seemed you needed to be a mental acrobat to read tape, especially in light of changes the CME made in October 2009. Reading the Order Book was also problematic. Peter set about creating tools that presented Order Flow information in a more logical manner. After sharing these tools with friends, he was convinced to go commercial and Jigsaw Trading was born. These tools are now rated number one trading software product (out of 285) and number four overall out of 10,331 financial products on the independent review site Investimonials
Peter splits his time between running Jigsaw Trading and trading the eMini S&P500 Futures.
Peter is known for being generous with his time and information and has developed the free “Order Flow Foundation Course” to give traders a full understanding of the nuances of reading Order Flow. This course is being used by numerous Proprietary Trading Firms to teach their intern traders about Order Flow theory and practice.