Omar Periu proudly wears his rags to riches story for others to hear about and learn from. He went from $147 a month at age 21 as a personal trainer to multi-millionaire status by age 31. Omar and his family fled Castro's regime when he was only seven years old. They arrived in Miami with no money, no family or friends in America and nothing but what they were wearing when they arrived.
Enduring the taunting of other children, the cold winters of Illinois and the obstacle of language barriers, Omar didn't let it embitter him. Instead, he made the most of his situation. His father, reading from a tattered Spanish copy of Dale Carnegie's book, "How To Win Friends and Influence People", taught Omar an important life lesson. "It doesn't matter who you are, where you're from or what color you are, you can do anything you put your mind to."
Not knowing enough about success and its outcome, Omar sought out and studied the masters. He observed the difference between the performance of top achievers, successful entrepreneurs and those barely squeaking by making a living. From there, Omar developed his Zero to Wealth Systems™, The Investigative Selling Principles™, The One Minute Meeting Effective Presentation System™, and From Management to Leadership™ skills. Implementing these into his own career, he soon became one of the top professionals in his
By the time he turned 31, he owned some of the most profitable health clubs, sports medicine facilities and many other entrepreneurial successes in the United States. From his modest beginnings as a take-it-on-the-chin salesperson, Omar knew the pain of rejection and failure. He also discovered the high of mastering effective presentations, sophisticated closing skills, the power to influence and persuade and most importantly, he is now teaching these unique success systems to entrepreneurs, salespeople and leaders all over the world.
Like Omar's experience, having internalized these principles, his students are now reporting their greatest triumphs ever!
Omar's content is fresh and inspiring, his presentations impeccable, and his story unforgettable. He is now referred to as the number one "how-to" Motivational Teacher in the Americas, a world-traveled speaker who has spent over a decade educating entrepreneurs, salespeople, and leaders world-wide. Omar has personally delivered more than 5,000 seminars, workshops and training programs. He has trained more than two million people in more than two-thirds of the Fortune 500 companies.
Omar has been a featured speaker at events with superstars Zig Ziglar, General Colin Powell, Larry Bird, Harvey Mackay, Jim Rohn, Terry Bradshaw, Bob Proctor, Larry King, Robert Kiyosaki, Tony Robbins, Don Shula, Lou Holtz, Denis Waitley, and many many more. He is a member of the National Speakers Association and has been inducted into the prestigious International Platform Association.
His articles are published in Success Magazine, Sales and Management Magazine, Selling Power Magazine, Martial Arts Success Magazine and more. He is a successful author with bestselling books including The One Minute Meeting™, From Management to Leadership™, Get Real Get Rich™ and today's #1 book in sales, Investigative Selling™.
Omar has also been featured in three Chicken Soup For The Soul™ books. He has been presented with the Business Man of the Year award for the state of Florida, by the Florida Business Advisory Council and Hall of Fame Speaker of the Year. He is on the Board of Directors to Wayne Huizenga's School of Entrepreneurs and Nova Southeastern University.
He is a member of the National Speakers Association and has been inducted into the prestigious International Platform Association. Most importantly, he has dedicated himself to helping others fulfill their dreams by teaching them how to achieve greatness!
Omar compassionately helps groups and individuals learn how to overcome fear, failure, and handle rejections. He will help you get out of the slump that holds you back from becoming a true champion with his inspiring stories and motivational precepts! Omar encourages you to face your fears, kick your counter-productive habits and become a calculated risk taker. He asks you to THINK about where you are now, where you WANT to be, and HOW to get there as quickly as possible.
Omar helps people build a better self, team and company with a fresh take on age-old solutions. He specifically teaches you how to set and achieve your desired goals while ensuring constant and never ending improvement.
Omar Periu is more than a motivator; his peers refer to him as "The Master Motivational Teacher." Omar brings audiences to their feet with his indefinable quality of magnetism.
To quote Omar's philosophy:
"Success is in the moment, make every moment count!" -Omar Periu