Co-Founder and CEO, Jay is both the visionary leader of this new company and at the same time brings day-to-day balance to the team, fostering quick-to-market client opportunities with focused, disciplined attention on the challenges inherent in their execution. Jay draws on his many years of experience as a seasoned software executive with a career spanning more than 25 years. Jay began his career at Gandalf Technologies, an Ottawa-based pioneer of data communications technology in 1988. He later served as Country Manager (Canada) of Ascend Communications during their rapid growth, public offering and ultimate sale to Lucent Technologies in 1999. Jay then spent the next 10 years as President and CEO of a privately financed private company that ultimately went public. Prior to starting VSBLTY, Jay managed the introduction of electronic payment options to New York City’s 13,000 taxicabs that also functioned as in-vehicle media outlets for local news and weather.