For 13 years, Hugh Grossman has manned the helm of DayTradeSPY – making it one of the longest, continuously running trading rooms in the world. For more than a decade, Hugh has shared the same real-life, real-money options trades he’s made to get rich.
Hugh’s a self-taught trader. Although, he didn’t start out that way, he had a nice career in the financial department of a major insurance company. But, he knew he needed to invest to build the kind of wealth he wanted for his family. So, he handed over a huge chunk of his savings to his broker… who, oddly enough, made him “broker”. By the time Hugh demanded a check for what was left, he was down 50%. Needless to say, he fired his financial advisor.
That’s when Hugh vowed to master trading himself. He read the classics, attended conferences and seminars, and even took classes. As he began to trade, and get better, he realized the importance focus. Instead of trying to watch the entire market, by concentrating on just one thing, he greatly increased his chances of winning.
That’s how Hugh came to trade SPY (the SPDR S&P 500 ETF). But instead of just trading shares of SPY, Hugh’s always trades options. They’re a fraction of the cost yet can deliver gains 10X bigger. And, by using both call and put options, Hugh makes money on SPY whether it’s going up or down.
Hugh lives in the Western New York area with his wife. Their kids are out on their own already and know how trade as well, a very liberating feeling for any parent. In addition to Hugh’s daily Trading Room, he has two additional trading services called Pick of the Day and Inner Circle.
For more information, visit the website at https://daytradespy.com/ or call toll-free 570-567-0426.