As a financial advisor and securities broker, Bennett A. McDowell, founder of TradersCoach.com®, developed a niche in “Active Trading” and “Investing” for a community of high-net-worth clients using his own proprietary trading system. This successful approach later became known as Applied Reality Trading® or, the ART® system. McDowell brought the ART® software to the public in the year 2003 and today it is used in over 80 countries around the world by sophisticated hedge fund managers and individual investors alike. Considered an expert in technical analysis, McDowell speaks at trade shows and writes articles for leading publications such as Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. TradersCoach.com® has received numerous S&C magazine Readers’ Choice Awards and has an A+ BBB (Better Business Bureau) rating. McDowell has written four bestselling books, The ART® of Trading, A Trader’s Money Management System, Survival Guide for Traders and Elliott Wave Techniques Simplified.