Ted Aylmer
WealthChartsJoin me as I show how I'm using alerts I to find better day and swing trade ideas! I’ll demonstrate the tools and techniques I use and walk through how you can implement these strategies in your own day and swing trading. If you want to spend less time staring at your monitors and more time doing what you love, this is the perfect session for you!

Ralph Acampora
Chartered Market TechnicianJoin legendary technical analyst and CMT Ralph Acampora as he shares his predictions on where the markets will go as we approach the inauguration and a new presidential term. He will show live chart examples as he explains what the markets have done historically and what his forecast is on the markets to come.

Ron Haydt
President, FinanchillWithin the first 5 minutes of going live, I'll unveil a specific list of stocks that are set to soar & crash by as much as 20%, 25%, 30%+ over the coming weeks.
Whether the market is in rally mode or selling off...
You'll leave this event with your own 'hot list' of stocks for the weeks ahead.
This is truly one event you literally cannot afford to miss.
I look forward to seeing you there!

Dr. Keith Wade
Seasonal Trading Expert, Become A Better Trader, Inc.Join Dr. Keith Wade as he shares key market strategies for finding and managing trades with Heikin-Ashi candles. This is a can't-miss presentation for traders of all skill levels.

Silas Peters
Trader, Seasonal Swing Trader & Trades TrendingIn this live presentation from Silas Peters, you will learn:
● Slam Dunk Trading Technology Revealed
● Trading Plan that Uses the Best of the Best in Stocks, Futures and Forex
● Learn to Build a Portfolio that fights Rising Costs
● How to Profit from History (yes, it repeats itself!)

Tom Sosnoff
Founder & CEO, tastyliveCome spend an hour with one of the industry’s most iconic names as he covers topics rarely discussed in this format. Tom will talk complex strategies, product indifference, positive drift, and the importance of understanding the expected move. This is a can’t-miss session!

Ron Haydt
President, FinanchillWithin the first 5 minutes of going live, I'll unveil a specific list of stocks that are set to soar & crash by as much as 20%, 25%, 30%+ over the coming weeks.
Whether the market is in rally mode or selling off...
You'll leave this event with your own 'hot list' of stocks for the weeks ahead.
This is truly one event you literally cannot afford to miss.
I look forward to seeing you there!

Dr. Keith Wade
Seasonal Trading Expert, Become A Better Trader, Inc.Join Dr. Keith Wade as he shares his most important day and swing trading Heikin-Ashi strategies that you can implement in your trading right now. This is a can't-miss presentation so make sure you attend live!

Hubert Senters and Rob Hoffman
Trading EducatorsJoin Hubert Senters as he share some of his favorite day and swing trading strategies as he navigates the pre-and post- election cycle. These are actionable strategies that you can implement in your trading right now so don't miss out on this exciting presentation!

Ted Aylmer
WealthChartsJoin me as I show how I have put Rob Hoffman’s trading principles into practice to help escape analysis paralysis, cut down on my research time, and improve the quality of my potential trading setups! I’ll demonstrate the tools and techniques I use and walk through how you can implement these strategies in your own swing trading. If you want to spend less time staring at your monitors and more time doing what you love, this is the perfect session for you!